GCSE Options Information
Until the end of Year 9, all students have to follow the compulsory National Curriculum. This gives a broad experience of the range of skills, and areas of knowledge and understanding considered essential for future learning. After Year 9, the National Curriculum becomes a little more flexible. While some subjects are compulsory for all students in all schools – the so-called “core” subjects - students are also given the chance to decide how to supplement this ‘Core’ with ‘Additional’ subjects tailored to their abilities, interests and future success.
The curriculum for Years 10 and 11 is one of the first big decisions students have to make in their educational lives; not least because choosing the right combination of subjects and qualifications is crucial to keep future pathways open beyond the age of sixteen. Throughout Year 9, students will receive support, advice and guidance through their subject lessons, PSHE and Careers Education sessions that will support them in making good option choices for their future.
At Oldbury wells from September 2022, GCSE Options are selected by students when they are in Year 9 to commence studying these options in Year 10. Further details of the final options that are available to students will be communicated in the Spring Term. However, the below attached booklet is an example of the range of course options available to Oldbury Wells Students.
See our Options booklet for more information.